Earthmama's Connection
Forever In Our Hearts
Forever In Our Hearts

Forever In Our Hearts

You are with the Angels,
Forever in God's arms
No longer shall you suffer
Nor bear any harm

I see the color purple,
forever Grace, I 'll think of you
And how you fingered the soft lingerie
Said 'someday Grandma, I'll have a purple bra too'

Little Gabriel, your laughter still rings
your whole body shook with joy,
as you watched your big sister
dance, talk, just be her, doing simple things

Tonight I started counting
the children from our family
now and generations past,
with whom you share in Heaven
a peace which shall forever last


Grace... Allison, your cousin a year older than you,
wants Grandma to fix her eggs just as I fixed them for you,
'did Grace like this, did you say those words to her Grandma
as you were cooking them?'... so many times we speak of
you and the joy we shared, she drinks out of the cup
I bought specially for you... you are a part of our conversation
and our life though separated by a veil

Gabriel... your cousins laugh as I tell them about you sucking
your big toe that last day I kept you, and not your thumb. Your
sitting up and playing with a toy cell phone, listening to the
voices when you pressed the keys and Emma, nine, has the
picture she took of you this last summer, in a special place
in her photo album....

Your other cousins in Colorado peruse the pictures and the
plethora of memories still so fresh in their hearts and minds,
so many things remind them and your Aunts and Uncles of
you... your vibrant zest for life Grace, four years old, and your
blossoming little personality Gabriel, at six months

Forever in our hearts you both will be, our lives richer for
your presence in them, though for so brief a time
One day we shall say with joy and gladness...
the Circle is no longer broken, but once again complete
as together, we shall forever meet
Grandma Sharon
November 22, 2003